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Best Golf Balls for a Shanker

Best Golf Balls for a Shanker

You might be wondering what the best type of golf ball is to use with your bottle of GolfLic.  We answered this question so many timse via email and social media that we thought a blog post might do us good.  Today we will discuss what is the best type of golf ball...

Review of Top Golf

Review of Top Golf

We at GolfLic and the Shanker's Blog like to keep up with advances in golf that make the game more fun.  We also share an affinity for any service or product that helps people learn the sport.  Yesterday we took our GolfLic, gloves, and golf game to a relatively new...

Why golf is a mental challenge

Why golf is a mental challenge

It has happened to everyone who has strapped on a pair of golf shoes and swung a club.  You get to the third hole.  The hole you birdied yesterday.  This hole is a piece of cake.  You hit the ball into the water, then into the trees, then shank it, then 4 putt.  Holy...

First Golf Lesson of the Season

First Golf Lesson of the Season

It is finally warming up outside and the time changes will mean that golfing in the afternoon is now a real possibility.  One great way to start the golf season is with a lesson from a local pro.  I waited 32 years to take an actual lesson and carried many habits with...

Fore! Simple ways to improve your Golf game

Fore! Simple ways to improve your Golf game

It is a new year and a new you.  You are ready to hit the golf course for the first time this year and you do not want a repeat of how last season ended.  GolfLic created some simple ideas to help you improve your golf game for little to no cost. Push ups.  You would...

Why enjoying golf is essential to the sport’s survival

Why enjoying golf is essential to the sport’s survival

It is no secret that the sport of golf has been in decline over the past decade.  Major golf retailers have laid off staff, courses are struggling to stay open, and the rate of new people learning the sport is at very low levels.  One of the main reasons is that golf...

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